Mar 26, 2007 7:46:31 GMT -5
Post by kazura on Mar 26, 2007 7:46:31 GMT -5
The strange human stared ahead into the alien's eyes as he was pulled forward. He kept his hands up in a sign that he was no threat.
"You will tell me what you know."
He smirked faintly at the question followed up with a growl.
"What I know? Ah I see you're a spy for your people then? Information retrieval. I assure you I mean you no harm my good sir despite what my previous employer sought from killing your companion and whatever ax so to speak you have to grind with the new republic. Their word out this far on the outer rim means as little as it did before the empire I assure you."
The man who had yet to identify himself looked over his shoulder faintly in the direction of the dark jedi.
"I will tell you anything you wish to know. I myself am very traveled in this galaxy."
The man's eyes returned to the coufee in the hand of the yuuzhan. "Living? Fascinating. So it's true everything about your people is alive."
Mar 26, 2007 18:09:31 GMT -5
Post by extras on Mar 26, 2007 18:09:31 GMT -5
"What I know? Ah I see you're a spy for your people then? Information retrieval. I assure you I mean you no harm my good sir despite what my previous employer sought from killing your companion and whatever axe so to speak you have to grind with the new republic. Their word out this far on the outer rim means as little as it did before the empire I assure you."
Tln'aa Shoolb snorted dismissively, " You make many assumptions infidel." He did not credit him with the chance of insight to whatever else he was thinking at this point.
So this being, whoever he was, had supposedly known what had happened to one of his agents? He could always be lying, but then again he could see no possible reason as to why this one would wish to do so. Unless of course they meant to gain something for themselves. And that was very familiar territory.
"Living? Fascinating. So it's true everything about your people is alive."
"Of course." were all those native to this galaxy as ignorant as the Dark Jeedai? " But you would know this already would you not? If you had indeed captured the one you spoke of."
He knew Nia Shul would have no doubt committed suicide when faced with captivity at the hands of the infidels, as any Yuuzhan Vong would. But the shaped creatures and weapons she may have had on her person at the time would be free to be analyzed.
Needless to say he knew the one he still held in his grasp was stalling for time. Time he would most certainly find lacking if they dropped out of darkspace where he thought they would. He pressed the coufee a little harder against the strangers neck,
"I put it to you that you know little or nothing at all, and that only begs the question as to why you are here. Unfortunately for you, infidel, I see no further reason to listen."
This was decision time, either the being in front of him would prove himself useful or he would die. He wasn't about to stall for time himself.
Mar 28, 2007 4:35:46 GMT -5
Post by kazura on Mar 28, 2007 4:35:46 GMT -5
"Of course. But you would know this already would you not? If you had indeed captured the one you spoke of. I put it to you that you know little or nothing at all, and that only begs the question as to why you are here. Unfortunately for you, infidel, I see no further reason to listen."
Kazura's eyes blinked confusedly to the word infidel but he was not given any room to question as the coufee pressed against his neck his teeth came together.
"It was not I who captured your other! They were pirates working for the Hutt Zishisa below! They attacked a freighter heading past Endor and she was taken captive after a struggle. They extracted information from her before cutting her up. I was one of the cheif anthropologists and zoologists on the planet. She wanted me to tell them what you were after rudely tearing me from my work with the rakghouls. They showed me to her corpse. I still have somethings that were on her person in my labcoat pockets that I smuggled out. She told them about you that's why those scum were trying to find you. She said she wanted to turn in one of the attackers at Seripedal to a higher ranking Hutt for profit. I escaped her lair and came to find you once I knew your face from slicing their records and the location they were converging to find you at. I couldn't let them kill you."
Mar 28, 2007 12:38:40 GMT -5
Post by extras on Mar 28, 2007 12:38:40 GMT -5
The first few sentences sunk in, the rest just sounded akin to the pitiful sounds of an injured brenzlit. Tln'aa Shoolb did not wait for the stranger to finish his words, he cut in as sharply as he could, "Enough of your lies!"
To suggest that one of his agents, a Yuuzhan Vong agent, had divulged information through means of torture or otherwise was preposterous. Nothing short of a Shamed one would do such a thing. Even if the infidel had been telling the truth, what made him think that Tln'aa domain Shoolb would be interested? What value was this heretical infidel shaper to him? Nothing short of fuel for a sacrificial pyre.
"I couldn't let them kill you." That was what he had said toward the end of his mindless babble. And why was this? So he could do the job in their place?
" Should we now listen to you? Is that what you wish?" He asked in a rather quieter tone, laced with ominous intent. "Should we allow you to take control of this vessel and merely submit to your wishes?"
His dark eyes narrowed slightly and he finally lowered the weapon he'd held pressed to the strangers neck, leaving in it's place a thin crimson line where the blade had barely broken the skin. " Very well," He added and began to turn as if to address the Dark Jedi at the controls.
Tln'aa Shoolb had barely turned half a circle when he swung back with as much force as he could muster, his elbow aimed to strike at the strangers chest in an attempt to knock the wind from his lungs. If that was not enough he then dropped low bringing his right leg round in a sweeping motion to kick Kazura's legs out from under him. Rising, he did not take time to catch his breath, placing all his weight on the foot he now proceeded to use to pin the scientist down with.
"Jeedai, I take it that there is no maw luur aboard this abomination?" He knew there was no such thing, but he wasn't about to ask for directions. It was bad enough having to use this....thing...as a means of transport.
Mar 29, 2007 2:57:49 GMT -5
Post by darklord on Mar 29, 2007 2:57:49 GMT -5
That had been impressive. Clearly these Yuuzhan Vong were more than just talk. Drevin had barely had time to register what was happening before he was staring down at the motionless form of the stowaway, his Yuuzhan Vong attacker stood triumphantly over his body.
"Jeedai, I take it that there is no maw luur aboard this abomination?"
Drevin was beginning to get increasingly angry at being called a jedi. What was worse was the way in which this Tin'aa Shoolb spoke the word. jeedai
And what was a Maw Luur? Whatever it was, it was probably Yuuzhan Vong.
"I don't make a habit of carrying Yuuzhan vong technology, if thats what you refer to. But if you want somewhere to dump him theres an escape pod we can use for now. It can only be opened from our side so he wont be able to get out." Drevin added "Even if he does wake up."
Drevin rose out of the pilots seat and together, he and the intendant dragged the limp body into the escape pod. Drevin set the hatch to "lock" from the outside so there would be no way of escape unless the stowaway decided to launch the pod.
Drevin turned to face the intendant, a look of warning in his eyes. "I'm not a jedi. You might want to remember that." And he stalked off.
Mar 29, 2007 12:14:46 GMT -5
Post by extras on Mar 29, 2007 12:14:46 GMT -5
Tln'aa Shoolb ignored the Dark Jedi's comments, concentrating instead on the task of dragging the scientist towards the escape pod. All the way he noted it was particularly heavy going for one as slender as the stranger had been. Perhaps the simulated gravity was somewhat stronger aboard infidel vessels?
The 'drag' was a short one, he left Drevin to deal with the security side of things. If the being managed to get out, he wasn't going to be so charitable next time. Once the Dark Jedi was done with the task of locking the hatch successfully, he turned towards him, a particularly scathing look in his eyes.
"I'm not a jedi. You might want to remember that."
He returned the look with one of suddenly acquired sarcasm, reiterating as much in his own voice,
" You would prefer Ignorant one? Or perhaps the insult of your first name only?" Only shamed ones and lowly types used their first names alone...now it seemed he had added Infidels to that list also. He thought better of continuing, diverting to a subject they now shared it seemed.
"Do you have a particular fate in mind for the one we just captured?" Leaving him to rot in there seemed like such an opportunity missed, he would be as good as payment was for losing an operative, though a Jeedai would have been better. " My superiors would no doubt wish to find out if what he claims is indeed true, though I suspect not, they may not take my word on such matters." They will expect me to cover my tracks Tln'aa Shoolb added silently. What would happen to the sinewy scientist after handing him over? That went without saying.
Mar 30, 2007 3:04:28 GMT -5
Post by darklord on Mar 30, 2007 3:04:28 GMT -5
"Yes, the insult of my first name will be just fine thank you" He retorted, as they walked into the main lounge.
This was going to be a very difficult trip. Drevin had learned patience during his time in prison, but there was only so much a man could take. These last 48 hours had been crazy. He hadn't even had time to comprehend what all of this meant, he needed to meditate and get some rest. But how could he sleep with Tin'aa Shoolb on board. Drevin doubted that he would try anything, after all he would be no good to the intendant dead. But he would still have V3 watch him. Just incase.
"Do you have a particular fate in mind for the one we just captured? My superiors would no doubt wish to find out if what he claims is indeed true, though I suspect not, they may not take my word on such matters."
"I think we should dump him at the nearest opportunity, your superiors wont need to know. It sounds to me like he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and thought he could save himself by offering you false information."
It would take another few hours to arrive at Garqi so he showed the intendant to the quarters he'd be staying in. They were simple and held very little technology other than the lighting and temperature control so his friend shouldn't find it too insulting. Although Drevin was sure there would be some complaint.
"Why don't you try and make contact with her?" It seemed like a logical way of finding out the truth about why she hadn't shown.
Mar 30, 2007 17:57:51 GMT -5
Post by kazura on Mar 30, 2007 17:57:51 GMT -5
As the footsteps and voices moved slowly away Kazura's eyelids opened and he blinked rather quickly as to adjust himself. His hand reached around to the back of his head to rub the spot he had landed on; no thanks to the Yuuzhan Vong. Stretching his neck from side to side he stood up and scanned over his surroundings of the escape pod.
"Well that went easier than expected..pity.." He flexed the fingers of his hands back and forth once and then looked to the palm of his right hand before lowering it down and sliding both hands into the pockets of his labcoat. He stared ahead to the little window looking out of the escape pod as he sat back upon one of the seats. The muscle at the side of his eye twitched faintly as he pushed the glasses on his nose back up as he lowered his head faintly in thought.
"So he doesn't like being called a jedi." he chuckled faintly to himself in the dark of the pod. His eyes seemed to give a faint glow briefly.
Mar 31, 2007 5:35:12 GMT -5
Post by extras on Mar 31, 2007 5:35:12 GMT -5
"I think we should dump him at the nearest opportunity, your superiors wont need to know. It sounds to me like he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and thought he could save himself by offering you false information."
Tln'aa Shoolb considered that prospect for a second or two, deciding finally that it was perhaps a waste. Though he had to agree, begrudgingly, that the Dark Jedi was correct on the count of false information. Pensive expression still held on his face he responded, "He would serve well as a blood sacrifice, perhaps a slave." Though the more rebellious slaves seemed to last no more than a klekket of service, he could see no reason why not to suggest it.
"If we were to 'dump' him, as you say, he could go crawling back on his belly to who so ever sent him. Better for me that he does not get that chance." He added shortly thereafter.
As he was shown to where he would be 'staying' for the next few hours, he could not hide the distaste for any of his surroundings. Though this time he did not voice such complaints. Everything about this little journey offended each and every one of his senses. He would have to put up with it for the meanwhile, at least until he returned to a worldship where he would be sure to spend the next few days cleansing.
"Why don't you try and make contact with her?"
The sudden suggestion tore him from his discontented thoughts like a lash to the back from an amphistaff. His gaze snapped round to fix on Drevin. " I attempted to make contact with her before we left that blasphemous world. She did not respond." He snapped, this was none of the jeedai's business. " Either she is no longer in possession of the villip required, or she is dead."
He felt the tallons of one hand begin to break the skin of his palm as his fingers curled to form a fist. His annoyance clearly displayed in the sudden darkening of the blueish eye-sacs upon his face. " And for her sake, I hope it is the latter."
Mar 31, 2007 10:45:44 GMT -5
Post by darklord on Mar 31, 2007 10:45:44 GMT -5
Drevin frowned as he took in the words. Blood sacrifice? slave? So thats what was in store for the people of his galaxy if they submitted to these invaders. The nerve and arrogance of this intendant was beginning to anger him immensely, but he had to complete his mission.
"Either she is no longer in possession of the villip required, or she is dead." Tln'aa Shoolb hadn't taken too well to his suggestion that he should try and contact his acquaintance. The intendant looked as though he was about to explode, Drevin watched as his hand curl into a fist.
"...right." He eyed Tln'aa Shoolb suspiciously. Why were these aliens so secretive? "well, ill leave you to it then." Drevin turned to leave before adding darkly: "I don't want to find you wandering round my ship."
He headed for his own quarters where he could perhaps finally have a few hours to himself.
Mar 31, 2007 12:20:39 GMT -5
Post by extras on Mar 31, 2007 12:20:39 GMT -5
There was that look again, very slight, but unmistakable. Were all infidels this hard to read? No, he knew that to be untrue. The one they had bundled into the escape pod spoke volumes with his actions. Or so he thought.
"well, ill leave you to it then" The dark Jedi had started, but then continued, "I don't want to find you wandering round my ship."
Had Tln'aa Shoolb detected a hint of threat in his voice there? It was clearly intended as such.
" If there is any wandering to be done, you can be assured that it will not be from me and most certainly not on this abomination you refer to as a 'ship' " He responded tersely, though he had considered doing away with that horrible little mockery of life that Drevin referred to as V3 .
With that, he bid Drevin what could be considered a parting gesture, a simple nod of his head, and the door swooshed closed behind him. Alone, he glared at his surroundings with pure contempt, the sooner they got to their destination, the sooner he would not be forced to spend anymore time in or around infidel built-things.
As he sat down upon the small bunk, his thoughts turned once again to what the stranger had said. That he had somehow captured Nia Shul, extracted information from her and then disposed of her. He had to be lying. Had to.
Once more he reached for the Villip he'd used to attempt to contact her, the one that was paired with her own. After several attempts to coax the creature into life, he gave up, cursing loudly. She had failed, in every sense of the word, May the gods devour you and your domain. He thought bitterly.
Apr 1, 2007 6:22:39 GMT -5
Post by darklord on Apr 1, 2007 6:22:39 GMT -5
Drevin sat cross legged and alone in his chamber, for it could not really be called a cabin anymore. The gun metal furnishings had been replaced by a dark reflective surface that mimicked the temples on korriban, the rooms lighting came from a single green glow lamp on the ceiling. And the spacious chamber housed various sith artifacts that he himself had collected on his personal quest. Here he could emerge himself in the darkside. Here he could think clearly.
And here he was, possibly about to enter deep into enemy territory with what was soon to be his deadliest enemy. He knew that there was a good chance that he wouldn't make it back out to give anyone his information. But what other purpose did he now have? He was no longer a jedi, he had no master to serve and no home to call his own. But he was a fighter, and if he could hurt these invaders then he would do so. He would make them suffer for their arrogance.
One thing that he couldn't comprehend though, was how this particular yuuzhan vong could not be detected through the force. Was Tin'aa Shoolb even aware of this? What if they were all like that? Drevin shuddered at the thought.
Apr 1, 2007 12:31:55 GMT -5
Post by extras on Apr 1, 2007 12:31:55 GMT -5
Compared to the relative soundlessness of a worldship when it traveled through darkspace, an infidel ship of any kind was like listening to a war cry on repeat when doing the equivalent. Sleep it seemed, had evaded Tln'aa Shoolb completely. He had lain there awake for what seemed like an eternity, trying to make sense of how the meddlesome prisoner could have found out what he had. There were, as always, many possibilities.
He was certain he had swept every inch of that room, he had been forced to attain during his stay on Taris, for any kind of listening device known to him - of which there were a vast amount- but had found nothing. He'd never dropped his disguise, not until he'd made contact with the Dark Jedi he now traveled with. That brought his mind to the forefront of the situation. "I don't want to find you wandering round my ship." He recalled. How did one go about amusing themselves aboard one of these things anyway? The ideas that came to mind made his skin crawl and his toes curl with repulsion.
He'd said that he was hardly likely to be doing any wandering during this brief respite and he had meant it at the time. But the more thoughts nagged at him, the more Tln'aa Shoolb thought otherwise.
Pulling himself from the bunk, he glanced around the small cabin again. No doubt the Jeedai would have thought to keep a close watch on this section of the ship. It bothered him little, the moment the Jeedai gave a response that he could simply no longer tolerate, he would kill him. There were bound to be more where this one came from.
The sound of the door to the cabin swooshing open was just about as noisy as everything else in this festering tin can and sought to set him on edge a little. Everything was just simply so, dead and dead things were not supposed to make noise at all. Rounding the corner he paused to regard the hatchway that lead to the escape pod their prisoner resided in. There was no harm checking he was still in there. The last thing he needed was a mishap so close to return. And he highly doubted the Jeedai would object to him ejecting the pod if he found out how.
Apr 2, 2007 3:00:05 GMT -5
Post by darklord on Apr 2, 2007 3:00:05 GMT -5
A soft bleep awoke Drevin with a start. His eyes adjusted quickly in the dark chamber and fell upon his droid V3. The droid was issuing a series of whistles and beeps informing Drevin that their yuuzhan vong passenger had left his cabin. Blast he thought. Drevin angrily pulled on his dark pants and boots and tied his long hair in a loose ponytail. He switched his computer screen on and scrolled through the five security camera views on his ship. There. Right outside the escape pod was Tin'aa Shoolb.
What was he up to? Drevin considered marching down the corridor and beheading the insolent alien. But instead he waited. Perhaps the intendant was about to rid Drevin of a potential problem.
Apr 2, 2007 12:45:18 GMT -5
Post by extras on Apr 2, 2007 12:45:18 GMT -5
Tln'aa Shoolb had approached the escape pod hatch relatively silently, until he had slammed a closed fist against the reinforced transparasteel of it's porthole. To his amazement, the being inside did not so much as flinch, and almost admirable trait for one so clearly lacking in all other respects of honour. The stranger seemed almost, inert, but not asleep and certainly not dead.
"Know this, you are only alive now because I allow it. I have little need for you save to sate the appetite of my coufee, you will listen to me when I say what I am about to." He intoned in a hushed, but no less harsh sounding voice,
"Spare me the lies this time insolent one, and I may spare you. Tell me what it is you know."
He was careful not to mention specifics, that would make it easier to sift out the truth from beneath his lies. If any of it was indeed the truth. It was not so much what this one person could pose in terms of threat to their cause, but who his superiors were. What they knew.